Archivo mensual: enero 2022

Cuba to distribute 200 million doses of its homegrown Covid vaccine to poor countries

From: Morning Star

CUBAN plans to distribute 200 million doses of its homegrown Covid vaccine to lower-income countries were said to have reached a “historic turning point” on Tuesday.

David Adler, who headed a Progressive International delegation to the socialist island, said the “lifesaving package” was an example of vaccine internationalism that saw public health “placed above private profit and petty nationalism.”

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Diputados franceses piden a su gobierno autorizar vacunas cubanas contra Covid19

Un grupo de 26 diputados franceses instó al Gobierno de su país a autorizar el uso de vacunas cubanas contra la COVID-19, sobre todo en los territorios de ultramar que lo soliciten, informó la agencia Prensa Latina (PL).

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